
Field Roast™ Jumbo Stadium Hot Dog 1 each
Poppy Seed Hot Dog Bun, lightly steamed 1 each
Yellow Mustard 2 tsp.
Relish, bright green 1 Tbsp.
White Onion, chopped 1 Tbsp.
Tomato, half-moon slices 2 slices
Kosher Pickle Spear, refrigerated style, firm, thin wedge cut 1 each
Sport Peppers 2 each
Celery Salt 1/8 tsp.


  1. Bring a nonstick pan to medium heat with a small amount of vegetable oil and cook the Jumbo Stadium Hot Dog for 11-12 minutes, turning frequently to brown evenly.
  2. Place cooked Jumbo Stadium Hot Dog in bun.
  3. Top with mustard, relish, onion, tomato, pickle, sport peppers and celery salt; serve.

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